Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Technology Sucks Sometimes

My laptop computer is having problems. In fact, it's the same identical problem that my wife's laptop had, as we have the same exact model, a Dell 600m Inspiron. Her laptop developed a problem where the battery would no longer charge, and the power cord would short circuit the system. Thankfully, her computer was under warranty, and Dell replaced the motherboard, which solved the problem. Now, my laptop is having the same exact issue. It's not shorting out, but the battery will not charge, and I suspect it's the power connection on the motherboard, in fact, the same exact problem with the other laptop. Unfortunately, my laptop is out of warranty, and there's nothing I can do about it. The service tech that replaced my wife's motherboard said it was the most common failure on this model of laptop, due to the flimsy components. Now I'm pissed. I can live without a battery in the laptop, as I don't really go mobile very often. It's just that the laptop components should last longer than 18 months. I can make do, but if I really needed the mobile capability, I'd be even more upset than I am now.

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