Friday, January 19, 2007

Losing Weight

Well, it's that time of year that I start thinking about losing weight again. It is after all a new year, and I didn't exactly make any specific resolutions. I've essentially been the same weight for the last seven months, except for an increase or decrease of a couple of pounds here and there. Right now, I weigh 199. Am I fat? Not really, but not really skinny either. I guess I'm just normal. In reality, I would like to lose about 15 lbs I think, and if I could drop my maintenance weight to about 185, I think I'd be happy. So, that's my goal, and hopefully, by summer, I'll be down in the range. Of course, that means I have to commit to exercising more, eating better, and watching the junk food. It's always easier said than done, but I'm not getting any younger, and eventually, it might be hard to accomplish my goals if I don't get busy now. In fact, the sooner the better. But not too soon, I think I'll start my next "lifestyle change" (as my wife calls it) next week, and will use this week as my last hurrah. Funny though, it always seems that next week becomes the week after that, and then next month, and in 6 months, I'll be complaining that I'm still the same old weight. It's an evil cycle.

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