Tuesday, January 23, 2007
My Schedule Sucks
My job requires me to work very odd hours. It's a schedule that I've worked for almost 15 years, but still have not really gotten used to it. I work different shifts all of the time, and often, work 3 different shifts in any given week. It's hell, and I never really know if I'm coming, going, or otherwise. I do get 3 and 4 day weekends during the winter twice every 5 weeks, but at the expense of working 7 days in a row for the remainder of the time. During the summer, I have quick turnarounds, only 1 day off at a time, and so forth. Essentially, it sucks. My sleep patterns are so bizarre, enough to drive a normal person crazy. Today was a perfect example. I was so tired after working my shifts this past weekend, I slept for 11 straight hours today. I went to bed at 2 am last night, and woke up at 1 pm this afternoon. That's typical. Working night shifts, day shifts, and evening shifts all in the same work can drive a person insane. Research has also indicated that shift work definitely makes for a poorer quality of life, with the stress of continually shifting one's schedule detrimental to your overall health. I suppose that's why I'm always tired, often grouchy, and never truly happy. But, that's my job, and it's a career that I chose, and unfortunately, am somewhat locked in for the rest of my life. That's the price I pay I suppose. Ugh.
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