Monday, July 02, 2007

A Quivering Pile Of Goo

Well, it's that time of year when we celebrate our independence by trying to blow up everything in site. It seems that there are more and more fireworks every year. I myself am looking forward to attending a friend's potluck party with an incredible amount of shells, canons, rockets, and whatnot. Everyone brings a sack full, and when combined, it fills an entire pickup truck. It's a non-stop barrage for a couple of hours at least. Unfortunately, our two dogs don't enjoy the excitement. In fact, they usually end up as quivering piles of goo each night that the fireworks are exploding. Poor dogs. For some reason, the same thing happens with thunderstorms, which usually results in a period of hyper ventilation, along with extreme anxiety. At least it's only for a week, but it seems we all might celebrate the independence holiday just a little too much?

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