Saturday, February 17, 2007

Getting Older, Falling Apart

I'm getting older. I'm not really that old by modern standards, but I can definitely tell a difference. I'm heading for my 37th birthday this year. I'm getting gray hair. My temples temporarily went grey about 3 years ago when my daughter suffered a health crisis, but now, it's an everyday occurrence. Not completely grey, but a few more hairs go grey each month. My right shoulder has been giving me problems over the last 2 months or so. I think it's in the process of becoming frozen, although it could be a referred pain associated with gall bladder rouble. I did have an attack of which may have been gall bladder related about 3 weeks ago at work, but it only lasted a minute, and was the only one I received. Of course, there's my back, which gives me periodic trouble. Whenever I throw it out, it takes between 2 and 10 days to get back to normal. I have dry skin during winter. I think the correct term is seborrheic dermatitis, but it really affect my eye lids and ear lobes. Nothing seems to help. I developed a ganglion cyst on my right index finger a month or two ago (I developed one back in college on my wrist, but it went away). And last but not least, I've overweight. Of course, none of that is serious or life threatening in any way. We all have our aches and pains. I'm sure the list will only continue to grow.

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