Sunday, December 31, 2006
Let It Snow
Sunday, December 24, 2006
What Are The Odds?
So, when Christmas rolled around, I thought I was being the most clever husband on the planet. I actually bought her the Magic Bullet. I knew she would have forgotten about her suggestion to me this past summer, and it would be a pleasant surprise. It was going to be a grand Christmas. That is, until she informed me yesterday (December 23rd) that she was very excited to open the present from her folks as it was a Magic Bullet. She said her Mom asked her about a month ago if she wanted one, and my wife said Yes. I about fell out of my chair. The Christmas gift that I thought would be the end-all be-all surprise was a dud. In other words, by the time my wife would open her gift from me, it would be a been-there done that experience. So, I confessed my little secret, and apologized that she wouldn't be having that great of a Christmas. I did have 2 other presents under the tree for her, and those would have to do.
Then, today during the family gift exchange, as my wife was opening her Christmas present from her sister, I again about fell off the couch. Lo and behold, she opened a new pair of pajamas. My wife had dropped hints that she'd like a new pair of pajamas for Christmas, but unfortunately, she dropped the same hint to both me and her sister. Yes, you guessed it, that was my second present for my wife, a new pair of pajamas. While they are different prints, it's the theme that counts. Ugh.
Geesh, what's a guy to do? I thought I had put a lot thought into the gifts for my wife this year, and have now found out that 2 out of my 3 presents have been shot down. Damn. I wanted to head out to the mall for a last minute shopping spree, but alas, there wasn't time. So, my wife will have to return the two dud presents after the holidays, and get something that she really needs or wants. And, I guess in the end, ol' Scrooge has been scrooged himself, in that those gift receipts will need to be used after all.
An Extreme Case of Butterflys
Sub Sandwiches
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wasting Time
I did have an ulterior motive yesterday though, in that I often take Iowa recyclable cans across the river to collect the 5 cent trade in value. While we don't drink pop at home, I have volunteered to take the cans from my workplace to help our snack fund's bottom line. So, if I have to make a trip for that reason, I may as well stop and play cards for awhile. See the logic? I also had another reason to visit yesterday, in that the casino occasionally offers a free tee shirt to its patrons. Since living in Omaha, I've received no less than 5 free casino tee shirts. It's kind of cool actually. Plus, I get a coupon once a month for $3 off the buffet at the casino, and it's a really good deal. So, I had "several" reasons to stop and gamble at the casino.
Unfortunately, and more often than not, you don't win big. That was the case yesterday. In total, I spent about 5 hours gambling, and only won $10. To make matters worse, the free tee shirt giveaway was "last" Monday, as I misread the coupon. Ugh. Yesterday, I got down very quickly, within the first hour or so, and it took another 4 hours to battle back. A little up, more down, a little up, even more down, a big gain, a tragic loss, and eventually, I was able to get my head above water again. Time was running out as I had obligations that I had to attend to. Plus, I had been awake for 24 straight hours, and it was time to go.
In the end, I was able to make enough money ($10) to pay for my lunch, plus the gallon and a half of gas that it cost to drive there. Not bad. Was it enough to buy me that shiny new MP3 player I've had my eye on? No. Or, was it enough for a down payment on the new Glock handgun I've been wanting to purchase? No. But, I didn't lose any money, had a great time while playing, and that's about as good as it can get. An extra $200 would have been nice, but there's always another day.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Christmas Scrooge
Friday, December 15, 2006
Shuffling Money Take Two
Speaking of interest rates, I recently opened a Citibank E-Savings account in hopes of earning more than the 1% offered by our local bank. Citibank has a deal right now where you can get 5% interest, as long as you open a checking account at the same time. Well, we already have a checking account at our local bank and don't need another one, but I would like to take advantage of the higher interest rate for our savings.
Over the last several years, I've been saving a little here and there, to build up an emergency fund. Of course, we've been saving elsewhere too by tucking money into our work-related 401k accounts, buying stocks, mutual funds, savings bonds, and so forth. But, cash is king, and you never know when you'll need a cushion to fall back on. Dave Ramsey, famed financial adviser, recommends 3 months salary as a good emergency fund. I've been feverishly trying to accumulate that, but let me tell you, it's hard. Especially when you "like" to spend money, have new things, and all the latest gadgets. Ha.
But, I think we're about to that point, but earning only 1% interest is not a desirable option right now. So, after some thought, I decided to transfer our emergency fund from our local bank to Citibank, to earn the 5% they offer. I'm not sure of any catches, but it seems there might be some withdrawal limits on the account, in that you can only withdraw a certain amount of money each business day, and can only have so many withdrawals each month. Plus, you have to do all the banking online, i.e. not in a branch, but I think the limits are something we can live with. The extra interest will be nice, and the money will be available if and when we need it.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Moving Money
Anyhow, I've become very adept at moving money around various accounts to try and get the best interest rates possible. It's been an easy task previously, but I'm beginning to think the gravy train may be drying up. In the past, I've usually been able to get balance transfers with no transaction fees, for anywhere from 2.9 to 6.9 percent. So, whichever credit card had the best rate would get my business. I'd shuffle money from card to card using balance transfers. Keep in mind, we've been making healthy payments each month, but we also keep spending. It's an evil cycle. Kaching! So, while this money shuffling has kept our interest payments low, we haven't made any significant progress in paying these damn things off. At this point, I think it may be a perpetual cycle that will be with us for our lifetime. I know, we'd fail the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class with ease.
This month, all previous low interest rates had expired, and it was time to play the shuffle game once more. Although, this time, we didn't make such a great deal. All of the cards are now back to charging a transaction fee for the transfers (at least in our accounts), which is typically a 3% fee, with an upper limit. We did have one card that had a transaction free interest rate of 4.9%, but unfortunately, that was the card that all of the money was on this month. Crap. Oh well, it's not the end of the world. I did manage to find a balance transfer rate of 0.99% through April 2007, but with the dreaded 3% transaction fee. Let's just say, the 3% transaction fee will be cheaper than paying interest at 21%. And so, the chase begins anew. Note though, we're not opening new credit cards. We have 3 main credit cards, and we've been shuffling money through each of those 3 cards. So, it's not that bad, and in the end, we're getting some pretty good rates. I wonder if the credit cards have figured this out? I'm sure they have, but as long as they keep offering the good rates, I'm going to take advantage of it whenever I can.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Our Two Dogs

Maisy is our second dog. She's only 11 months old, and has been with us since May 2006. She is a very hyper dog, still very much has that puppy inside her. Hopefully, she settle down a little bit when she gets older. She's so firey, she's not afraid to take on the biggest dog in the neighborhood, even though she only weighs 6 lbs. They are both great companions though, and have become fine watch dogs.

Christmas Lights Complete

Sunday, November 26, 2006
MP3 Tracks Galore
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Christmas Light Envy
Friday, November 24, 2006
Huskers Win the Big 12 North
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sorting Through MP3 Tracks
I'm looking at getting another MP3 player, and thus have decided to begin organizing my files so I can use the player properly. However, another problem I have, a lot of my MP3 files have inconsistent naming schemes, no MP3 tags, etc. I discovered a database application called MediaMonkey which essentially manages the MP3 files, and takes care a lot of the tasks for you. For example, it will automatically retrieve MP3 tags from based on the filename, etc. It will also rename and move files as necessary to organize your collection.
So, I've begun the somewhat daunting task of going through every MP3 file I have, assigning tags, renaming with a consistent scheme, and organizing into folders. It's not an easy process, but one that is necessary. Last night, I categorized about 300 songs. I still have about 500 songs to go. These are really just my all-time favorites. Now I know this isn't a huge collection, but it's good enough for me. We do have 40 or 50 CDs that I'd like to rip a few songs from too. Ideally, I don't think I'll rip every song from every CD, but just my favorites.
After getting everything organized, perhaps a new MP3 player is in store. Just another toy. Ha.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Good Experience with Dell Tech Support
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Huskers Lose Again
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Aromatherapy Stinks
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Huskers Can't Beat Texas
Monday, October 16, 2006
Enjoying the Gym
A few weeks ago, one of the members put some eucalyptus oil in the wet sauna. It was a refreshing change, and helped to hide the gym odor that can sometimes be quite prevalent. So, I bought a bottle of oil, and now use it if I can. The problem, a lot of people are allergic to it, and thus you have to be considerate of your fellow gym members. It's such an invigorating experience. Now, I wish I could get a portable sauna for home use. They're not terribly expensive, the cheapest go for about $1000 at wholesale sites on the Internet. A pricey toy, but perhaps worth it if one can garner such enjoyment out of it.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Go Huskers
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Back in the Saddle
New Toys
each year.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Game Day in the Husker Nation

Thursday, September 28, 2006
Too Many Socks
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Things Happen For a Reason
While surfing, I heard a loud buzz, then immediately began to smell something burning. Being surrounded by 2 computers, 2 monitors, 2 printers, a scanner, 2 TVs, a VCR, and a stereo, I didn't know which electrical component to check first. I smelled each one, but couldn't find the offending unit. I then looked up at the fluorescent lights overhead. I had a 4' tube light installed above the desk, and thought maybe it had popped. No, it was fine. I checked the other fluorescent lights, and sure enough, one of the 15 watt CF bulbs had burned out. It's kind of scary really, the transformer was incredibly hot, and the plastic around the glass was literally melting. Yikes. I quickly turned off the circuit, and unplugged the bulb. Crisis prevented.
I wonder what would have happened had I not been sitting here in the basement to catch that? Would the house have caught fire? Would the plastic have melted to a sticky pile of goo and that would have been it? Thankfully, we'll never know. But, I've come to learn over the previous few years that everything happens for a reason. I don't really attribute that to a higher power, but just that a particular course of events can all be tied to a single moment in time. Was I supposed to be in the basement to avert a potential disaster? Perhaps.